La Federación Argentina de Entidades Democráticas Anticomunistas: el pánico moral en la Argentina de los años sesenta
This article concentrates on the Federación Argentina de Entidades Democráticas Anticomunistas (FAEDA, Argentine Anti-Communist Democratic Entities Federation), one of the most important anti-communist organization in Argentina in the sixties. FAEDA reacted in a very authoritarian and violent way to the appearance of new alternative social behaviors in the country during those years, particularly among the youngsters and the avant-garde artists. In that sense, FAEDA’s political activities were supported by the belief the nation was living a wide moral degeneration, caused willingly by the soviet infiltration in Argentina. FAEDA displayed its political purposes through two different channels: one was more formal and solemn and included public meetings and official statements against the Soviet Bloc countries, and the other one was more clandestine and violent such as street fights and bomb attacks against youngsters and leftists. Gender studies concepts and methodologies permitted to shed light on some activities, fears, and beliefs of these anti-communist activists. This article is based on the consultation to journals and intelligence documents.